In my last post I shared details on how to automate chart rendered on HTML Canvas element in AngularJS application ( We learned how to use angular scope to retrieve data from canvas. This post I would like to share how to automate chart rendered on html canvas in a ReactJS application using react props. So without further delay lets get started.

         For demontration purpose I am using the source code/sample shared in Click on the Free code sample link and build the same locally by following the below commands:

1) Navigate to 'react-canvasjs-chart-samples' (extracted folder) in Command Prompt
2) Run 'npm install' to install all npm dependencies
3) Run 'npm start' to run the project

This should open the demo application at http://localhost:3000/ if installation is successful.

Now open the link http://localhost:3000/line-chart which will look like below.We are going to use this chart as example for this post. 

Lets inspect the canvas element :

We are going to follow the below steps for extracting the information we need from the canvas element:

Step 1: Find the element using javascript by selector (id/tagname/classname etc) like document.getElementById. Make sure you are finding the parent element of the canvas under test here, not the canvas element. 

Step 2: Enable access to react component from its dom node using javascript again.

Step 3: Use React prop to get the details we need like chart title, data, tooltip text, color etc. More details on what is react prop can be found in

The following java script function will enable access to react component from its dom node, run the same from console:

Using the below commands we will have the global react element to play around:
Finally we are going to use react props to get the details we are looking for like chart title, data etc. 

This approach is not just limited to extracting information from canvas chart since we have access to props now we can play around with other elements as well. For example this is very handy for getting all the data records from a react data grid. Testing react app is fun now :-)